Hagi (萩), a former castle town, is located along the coast of the Sea of Japan in Yamaguchi Prefecture. Historically, it is known as the capital of the Mori Clan which governed Yamaguchi Prefecture for over 250 years.
Hagi is best known for its local Hagiyaki Pottery. This type of pottery is among the best in Japan.
Hagi is well preserved. With several old samurai and merchant residents still intact, visitors can enjoy this historic town.
By JR Bus
**8-11 round trips per day between Yamaguchi Station and Higashi-Hagi Station. The one-way cost is 1760 yen and the length of the journey is 60 to 80 minutes.
In addition, other bus lines are connected to the Shin-Yamaguchi Station (Sanyo Shinkansen). From Shin-Yamaguchi Station, the one-way cost is 2060 yen and the length of the journey is about 90 minutes.
NOTE: The Japan Rail Pass is valid on these JR buses.
By Bocho Bus
**13-18 round trips per day between Shin-Yamaguchi Station and Higashi-Hagi Station. Note: The buses do not stop at Yamaguchi Station. The one way cost is 2060 yen and the length of the journey is about 90 minutes.
NOTE: The Japan Rail Pass is not valid on these buses.
By train
**via JR Sanin Line. However, it is not convenient as the number of trains per day is low and the service is slow.
From Shimonoseki Station, the local trains costs 1940 yen and the length of the journey is 3 hours. In addition, there is no direct route, so one or two transfers are required.
Alternatively, from Asa Station on the Sanyo Shinkansen (only via Kodama Shinkansens), you can utilize the JR Mine and Sanin Line (transfer at Nagatoshi). The cost is 1320 yen and the length of the journey is 2 hours
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